The Counselling and Wellbeing Service
Kate Coshall - Counsellor (Grad. Dip., HE Cert., BA Hons, MBACP)
Welcome to my practice.
Counselling is a talking therapy and most people seek it because they are experiencing unhappiness and want to change the way they are thinking, feeling or behaving.
It can sometimes mean talking about things that have happened in the past, or are happening now. I offer a safe and confidential space for you to do this. To work ethically Counsellors are committed to helping a client get
their life back on track.
I am a fully qualified Person - Centred Counsellor and member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). I work within the Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
I have previous experience working in schools with young people, within the NHS and for charity organisations, working with a diverse range of clients covering a wide range of issues including depression and anxiety to loss, abuse
and self harm.
I aim to:
- Listen to what you are saying.
- Accept you, and respect your thoughts and feelings without judging
- Encourage you to focus on yourself and not other people
- Offer you a safe space to express your emotions
- Support you in gaining a deeper understanding of yourself
- Work alongside you in developing answers, and ways of overcoming your difficulties
- Help you understand and manage your feelings and thoughts
I will not:
- Tell you what to do
- Judge you
- Talk about you to anyone else without your permission (unless in exceptional circumstances e.g. I felt there was the possibility of serious risk of harm to yourself or someone else)
You can contact me for more information by:
e - mail - or
telephone - 07903 091964
website -